This module is centered around the fundamentals of ayurvedic massage

This module is part of level 2 of the Ayurveda Practitioner Studies and can also be taken separately when there is a thorough basic knowledge of ayurveda. It will only be offered when there are enough students, who have signed up for the APS program.

The module is centered around the fundamentals of ayurvedic massage for both prakruti and vikruti. It consists of 12 hours of pre-recorded masterclasses and two 24 hours on-location teaching blocks, supported by additional study materials in the online learning platform.

We will begin offering this course as of September 2025.

Block 1

The block encompasses the execution of a full-body abhyanga, covering essential materials and communication with the client. It delves into the definition, qualities, and types of snehana dravyas. The module also explores the benefits, indications, and contra-indications of abhyanga. Additionally, it focuses on tailam vijana, emphasising knowledge of oils, including their qualities, indications, contra-indications, and uses per dosha.

Block 2

This block involves the execution of a full-body udvartana and its practical preparation. It covers customised abhyanga and udvartana, considering factors such as dosha, vikruti, side position, Udara, pristha vamsa, and differentiation. The module also dives into the knowledge of oils and herbs (taila & dravya), including indications and contraindications. Assessment of various client conditions and understanding the concepts of 'safe environment' and 'safe touch' are explored.


Practical information

This training is currently in development and will be offered in Academic Year 2025/26. In the meantime, explore our ayurveda professional programs <<here>>.

On-location classes: 8 days, 48 hours (split over two 4-day blocks)

Pre-recorded lessons: 12 hours

Teachers: Ombretta Dettori & Eva Ugolini

Dates & Price: to be announced


Contact Information

Ayurveda Academy
The Netherlands B.V.
KVK nr 90877535
van Wulfenlaan 6a
1251 CW, Laren
Send us an email

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